WAVING FLAG ICON **I'm agender** (at least for now) **and pansexual!** I go by any pronouns. I don't want to be associated with a single gender right now, but I don't have preference with how your refer to me--as long as you're not doing anything out of malice. I'm hard-leaning toward women when it comes to who I like! I would, however, like to stay out of the dating scene for a bit right now. BROKEN HEART ICON **I am chronically envious!** It makes me excruciatingly depressed, sometimes nautious, to hear or know about things I'd want to happen to me. I don't necessarily *not* wanna hear about the things you're proud of, but it can affect me a bit more than you'd think! My envy issues don't apply to *everything,* but try and keep it in mind when talkin' to me!